Pygora Educational Resources

Here are a collection of important pamphlets, booklets, and articles about Pygoras®, or goats in general. 

Download Printable Materials

  • Pygora Goat Brochure

    This brochure has 3 columns and fit on 8.5″ x 11″ paper. When printing, set your printer on landscape format and two-sided printing. Fold the brochure in thirds. The PBA logo should be on the front of the brochure.

    Photo of Pygora doeling with caramel fleece standing in field.
  • PBA Trifold Display

    This Trifold Poster Display can be used at events. It can be ordered from VistaPrint or similar online stores. Choose the 36″ x 48″ poster size option in horizontal format. You’ll need to purchase a 36”X48″ tri-fold foam-core display board to mount the poster.

    Screen Shot of a section of the Pygora Goats Trifold display.
  • PBA Banner

    Are you going to a fair or event this year with your Pygoras® or Pygora fiber? Along with the PBA informational brochures, and the PBA Tri-Fold Display here is a 2.5′ by 4′ banner to get your Pygoras noticed! You can print it through an online or local vendor.

Goat ID Information

  • PBA Goat ID Requirements

    In order to transport goats across state lines for either sale, show or exhibition, they need to meet specific identification requirements from the USDA/APHIS, along with other requirements that vary by state.

  • Tattoos or Microchips?

    The PBA allows owners and breeders to use tattoos OR microchips to identify their Pygora® goats, to be in compliance with federal animal health regulations. This guide offers more info on your options.