PBA Mission Statement
The Pygora Breeders Association (PBA) is dedicated to the advancement and well-being of the Pygora® goat. PBA provides leadership in the promotion of the Pygora as a fleece producing animal, pet, and companion nationwide. We encourage ethical practices that will contribute to the long term expansion of the Pygora market. We offer social, business and educational opportunities to our members, and provide educational materials to FFA and 4-H.
PBA Purpose
PBA, a nonprofit organization, will promote, educate and regulate matters pertaining to the history, breeding, exhibition and improvement of Pygora goats.
PBA will maintain herd books and issue certificates of registration for Pygora goats.
PBA will register a herd name from each breeder who registers Pygora goats.
PBA will register a combination of two (2) or three (3) letters to each breeder as a tattoo to represent herd name.
PBA will maintain and publish official breed standards.
PBA will set rules and regulations for showing Pygora goats.
PBA will design and conduct training programs to teach principles of judging Pygora goats and Pygora fleece. PBA will monitor and maintain a current list of approved sanctioned judges.
PBA will maintain and regulate Pygora sanctioned shows and wins.
PBA will maintain an information website with a prominent display of the PBA logo on the home page.
PBA will maintain an Operating Manual that will include a disaster plan designed to backup, protect and recover any herd book or financial data that is designated as vital to the continued operations of PBA.
PBA will maintain job descriptions and a list of duties for officers and committee chair positions. These documents will be contained within the Operating Manual.
PBA Governance
The PBA membership elects a Board of Directors representing three regions of the country as well as three “at large” members. The Board of Directors select the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who comprise the Board’s Executive Commitee.
The board also selects several appointed positions, including committee appointments, the PBA Registrar, the PBA Show Secretary, and more as needed.
Policies and Procedures
Nominations for the following June’s Director vacancies will be open to the membership starting September 1st and will remain open until January 15th. Self-nominations are acceptable.
Notifications of such vacancies shall appear in the Fall and Holiday PBA Newsletters. This Notification will include a nomination form template and a list of positions that are up for election.
All nomination forms must be received by the PBA Secretary no later than January 15th. Nominees who were not self-nominated will be notified of their nomination by e-mail as soon as it is received by the Secretary.
All nominees, including incumbent Directors who are eligible for re-election, must formally accept their nominations by submitting an autobiography to the PBA Secretary no later than February 1st; otherwise the nominee will not be eligible for election.
Eligibility requirements:
Must be 21 years of age by June 1st of the year in which the nomination is made.
Must be a member in good standing with PBA at the time of nomination and throughout the directorship.
Must be either an active Pygora breeder or have substantial knowledge and experience related to Pygoras and their products.
PBA will have two Directors from each of the three regions, serving two-year terms. In each election, the nominee from each region with the most votes will be elected. If there was no nominee in a region, a nominee from a different region who was not elected, but has the next highest number of votes, will be elected to the position. In addition, three at large representatives will serve two-year terms, with elections alternating for two members one year and one member the next.
Ballots will be prepared and mailed with the Spring PBA Newsletter (to be mailed to members by March 1st). Ballots will be printed on colored paper and numbered so they cannot be easily reproduced. If there is only one nominee in a region, the unopposed nominee will be deemed elected by unanimous consent.
Ballots will be returned to a PBA member appointed by the current Board of Directors who is not currently a Director, holds no elected or appointed positions in PBA, and is not a nominee in the current Director Election for counting.
Ballots must be postmarked by March 31st. Ballots returned after the deadline will not be counted.
Any tie in the election for Board of Directors will be decided by written vote by the existing Board members.
The PBA Registrar shall identify a place, with a separate physical location from the PBA Office, to store a backup copy of printed and electronic versions of the PBA herd book and financial data records. The location and any information required to access the information shall be provided to the PBA President and Vice-President. The electronic data shall be in a format such that it can be used to restore operations with readily available technology products (computer hardware and software) should a disaster occur at the PBA Office.
• Sends an electronic copy of the herd book and financial records to be stored in the identified location.
Herd book
• Prints a paper copy of the herd book and stores it in the identified location. No fewer than two versions of the printed herd book shall be stored at all times.
• Prints a list of all financial transactions that have occurred in the previous 6 months and adds them to the existing printed transactions. No fewer than 24 months of printed financial records shall be stored at all times.