Pygora Goat Registration
In order for a goat to be registered as a Pygora, the goat’s parents must be registered with the PBA or with one of two ancestry breeds: the American Angora Goat Breeders Association (AAGBA) or the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA). No other registrations are accepted.
If your goat has registered Pygora parents, you will not need to submit parent certificates with your application but will need the registered name and registration number of both parents. If you a registering a first generation pygora (F1), as the result of a cross between an AAGBA registered angora and an NPGA registered pygmy, you will need to submit registration certificates for both parents.
The Pygora can be bred to other Pygoras or back to an NPGA or AAGBA animal but the ratio of the resulting offspring cannot exceed 75% of either parent breed (pygmy or angora) in order for the goat to be registered as a Pygora. Kids that exceed 75% of either parent breed can be registered as an F2. Once again, the registration certificate of the non-Pygora parent must be submitted with your application.
Members are encouraged to submit pre-registrations, registration completions and all other paperwork through the online Herdbook. Online forms for non-members and downloadable forms can be found below.
Preparing for Registration
Pre-Registration or Permanent Registration?
Pygora kids may be pre-registered after birth up to one year old. Most breeders pre-register kids prior to selling them. Permanent registration typically takes place after six months as it requires the submission of a photo of the goat in full fleece (example below) and a 2×2 inch square of prime fleece off the barrel of the goat.
Submitting Photos
For pre-registration you will need a full side view color photo of the goat looking at the camera such as the example below. The photo cam be either of a kid under three weeks old or a recently, fully shorn adult over 8 months old. If random markings exist, submit photos of both sides showing all random markings. For permanent registration, submit one full color side view of the goat in fleece.
In-Fleece and Out-of-Fleece Pygora Colors
For your application you will mark the out of fleece color for pre-registration and both out of fleece and in-fleece color for permanent registration. The submitted color will be confirmed by the submitted color photo and fleece sample. To learn more about Pygora color options and see photos for reference, visit our page on Pygora colors.
Goat ID Information
PBA Goat ID Requirements
For registration and for sale or show, each goat will need assigned tattoos reflecting the official herd letters on left and the letter of the year and assigned goat number of right. The letter for 2025 is “T.”
Tattoos or Microchips?
The PBA allows owners and breeders to use tattoos OR microchips to identify their Pygora® goats, to be in compliance with federal animal health regulations. This guide offers more info on your options.
Animal Registration
All PBA members should submit pre-registeration, registration completions and all other transactions through the online Herdbook hosted through Grassroots. Non-members only may use the non-member form below to submit a registration.
While online submissions are preferred, you may also download a printable version to submit by mail.
Forms and Resources
Transfer of Ownership
This form is required when transferring ownership of a goat unless the transfer is included in the original pre-registration.
Breeding Memo
If you were not the owner of the buck at the time of breeding, you will need a breeding memo from the buck’s owner
Change Request
Download the Change and Correction Form if you need to make a change to your goat’s registration or order a new certificate.
AI Forms
If you are breeding through artificial insemination, find AI processing, breeding and sale forms here.
Registration Completion Form
For non-members looking to complete registration for a Pygora that has already been pre-registered with the PBA, use the form below or download and mail the printable form. Note that you will need to send a fleece sample from the goat, collected from the barrel of the goal when in full fleece. The goat must be at least six months old.
PBA Members should complete registrations through the online Herdbook.