Pygora Colors
The slide shows below show colors for goats out of fleece as well as fleece colors for Pygoras. Goats are out-of-fleece until about 3 weeks old, or after being shorn. Their color pattern can be best seen at this time.

White: All white have no other color anywhere.

Light Caramel (Example 1): White or caramel hairs, intermingled with white in the coat making the coat appear to be a shade of pure white to cream.

Light Caramel (Example 2): White or caramel hairs, intermingled with white in the coat making the coat appear to be a shade of pure white to cream.

Medium Caramel: Caramel and white hairs intermingled in the coat making the coat appear to be a shade of apricot to orange.

Dark Caramel: White hairs intermingled with darker caramel/buff or brown hairs in the coat making the coat appear to be a shade close to a grocery shopping bag.

Brown Caramel (Example One): Brown mainly with only occasional intermingled white hairs in the coat making the coat a pronounced darker brown.

Brown Caramel (Example 2): Brown mainly with only occasional intermingled white hairs in the coat making the coat a pronounced darker brown.

Light Brown Agouti: Light/Silver grey hairs intermingled with white with brownish tips on main body hairs, making the coat a burnt silver/pewter shade.

Medium Brown Agouti (Example 1): Brown and white hairs intermingled in equal amounts giving the coat a browner salt and pepper appearance.

Medium Brown Agouti (Example 2): Brown and white hairs intermingled in equal amounts giving the coat a browner salt and pepper appearance.

Dark Brown Agouti: Brown hairs intermingled with fewer white hairs, but still a salt and pepper appearance that is a pronounced darker brown.

Brown Agouti: Brown mainly with only occasional intermingled white hairs.

Light Grey Agouti: Black and white hairs intermingled with slightly more white hairs to give a light grey color making the coat appear to be silver/pewter in shade.

Medium Grey Agouti: Black and white hairs intermingled in equal amounts giving the coat a blacker appearance close to an equal amount of salt and pepper.

Dark Grey Agouti: Darker grey appearance fewer white hairs, but still a salt and pepper appearance that is pronounced.

Black Agouti: Black mainly with only occasional intermingled white hairs

Black: Solid black except for muzzle, forehead, eyes and ears accented in tones lighter than the dark portion of the body.

Solid Black: All black with no white seen anywhere.
Examples of Random Markings
Pygoras may have random markings such as socks, bellybands, spots, saddles, etc. Find examples below showing how to determine base color while considering random markings.

Black goat with white blanket.

Black goat with white blanket - adult in fleece.

Brown Agouti with white spot and white star on forehead.

Medium Grey Agouti with white belly band and white face marking.

Brown Agouti with white belly band.

Brown Caramel with white blanket from barrel to hind leg.
Fleece Colors
The fleece color should be noted on the application for permanent registration to be confirmed by the PBA registrar. Fleece colors include white, caramel, gray, brown and black.

White fleece.

White fleece.

Caramel fleece

Caramel Fleece

Caramel Fleece

Brown Fleece

Brown Fleece

Brown Fleece

Gray Fleece

Gray Fleece

Black Fleece