Pygora FAQs

  • A Pygora® is a fiber goat purposely bred to produce fine fiber for hand spinning. The Pygora goat produces a wonderful, lofty, soft, fiber that does not coarsen as the goat ages. Add in an affectionate, engaging personality, a manageable size, good health and fleece in a range of colors and you have the perfect fiber goat.

    Pygoras were developed by Katharine Jorgensen in Oregon. The Pygora Breeders Association (PBA) was formed in 1987 and maintains the registry herd book. All Pygoras come from registered parents and can trace their lineage back to two specific parent breeds: American Angora Goat Breeders Association (AAGBA)-registered goats and National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA)- registered goats.

    The only goat that may bear the name ‘Pygora’ is a goat registered with the PBA. In addition, all Pygora goats must conform to the Pygora Breed Standard, which includes conformation, color/patterns and fleece characteristics.

  • Pygora® kids weigh about 5 lb. at birth. Adult does (female Pygoras) average 75-120 lb. and must be at least 18 in. tall. Adult bucks (male Pygoras) and wethers (neutered males) average 75-140 lb. and must be at least 23 in. tall. There is no maximum height restriction. 

  • Pygoras come in a wide range of colors: white, black, greys, caramels and browns. They often show two different colors throughout the year: a lighter, in-fleece color and a darker, out-of-fleece color. They may have a dark dorsal stripe, socks, crowns, ‘frosting’ on ears and noses, or facial masks. For details on recognized colors and patterns, please see the Pygora Breed Standard on the PBA website. The PBA accepts all Pygmy colors and their dilutions, as well as white. Color markings resembling other breeds are not acceptable. 

  • Pygoras are friendly, playful, curious goats. They have the curiosity of a cat and experience their world like a 2-year-old human; everything new must be tasted! They like to spend time with their people. It is important to note that, like any animal, a Pygora must be handled properly with love and respect for it to be a trusting, happy, sociable goat.

  • Is your goat listed in the PBA herdbook? And do you have the original official registration or pre-registration certificate?
    Did the seller fill out a Transfer of Ownership form for you? If so, did you or the seller send it to the PBA Registrar with the original certificate?
    If you answer yes to these questions then your goat is a Pygora®.

    The Pygora® goat was initially bred in Oregon by Katherine Jorgensen, and after careful selection, the registry was created. She wanted an animal that would produce fine fiber for hand spinning, so she bred the Pygmy (NPGA registry), a goat with short, soft down to an Angora (AAGBA registry), a goat with long silky fleece. The Pygora Breeders Association was formed in 1987. Since then, the Pygora has increased in number and popularity. Today the registered Pygora goat may not have more than 75% AAGBA registered Angora goat or 75% NPGA registered Pygmy goat heritage.

  • Yes, in order to register kids with the PBA, both parents must either be registered with the PBA or meet one of the following criteria:

    Parents of first-generation goats must be registered with the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) and the American Angora goat Breeders Association (AAGBA).

    The Pygora Breeders Association also allows registered Pygoras to be bred to NPGA or AAGBA registered goats, and the offspring may be registered as a Pygora® if they are no more than 75% Pygmy or Angora. Offspring from such a pairing that is over this percentage may be registered in the Pygora herdbook as “F2” and may produce Pygora offspring but are not eligible to compete in PBA-sanctioned shows.

  • No, to be permanently registered, a Pygora must have fleece. Preregistration is issued to a goat under 8 months of age. For permanent registration, a fleece sample and picture of the goat in fleece must be submitted with the application. 

  • No, either way a Pygora is the result. However, if a Pygmy doe is chosen, consideration must be given to her size to insure a trouble-free delivery. Kidding problems are infrequent, and the kids are very vigorous and usually up and nursing within 15 minutes.

  • No, a Pygora® may contain up to, but not more than, 75% of one of the parent breeds.

  • Technically the first generation, or “F1”, is not a true Pygora, but a crossbreed. A crossbreed is not a breed until it breeds true. The PBA does register first-generation goats as F1s. They may be shown only in F1 classes and are not eligible for championships.

 Care of the Pygora

  • Pygoras tend to be very healthy goats as long as they receive proper care, including appropriate feed, such as good-quality hay and/or pasture and browse, access to free-choice goat minerals and clean, fresh water (consult with your veterinarian on nutritional requirements for your area and to develop a balanced ration for your Pygoras). Pygoras also need regular hoof trims and vaccinations and should be dewormed as needed. They breed and kid easily, and are naturally good mothers. To ensure a healthy goat, find a good goat veterinarian and establish a relationship with them before you need them. 

  • Yes, Pygoras are naturally horned. The PBA allows goats to be shown with or without horns. Many PBA members disbud their animals at a young age for their own convenience (keeps animals from getting hung up in field fence, for example), or to provide a safer animal for 4-H projects. Whether or not to disbud is a personal preference and decision.

  • Yes, but it is not recommended. Goats are herd animals and need company, preferably another goat. A single goat tends to be lonely, noisy and not much fun for themselves or their owners.

  • Yes, Pygoras give about 1 quart of milk a day.

  • Yes, all bucks (intact males) smell, especially during the breeding season. A Pygora buck smells stronger than an Angora buck, but less than a Pygmy buck. When breeding season is over, Pygora bucks have very little scent.

  • Spring and fall – length of daylight is the major trigger for does to come into season. Being close to a buck also helps cause does to cycle. Each spring and fall, bucks start spraying themselves, putting on the cologne “guaranteed to get that special doe”. The average cycle for does is 18-23 days.

  • Pygoras have a gestation of 5 months, or 145-153 days.

  • It is possible to get three kiddings in two years. This is hard on the doe, and should not be done often. Extra feed and care is a necessity for these does.

About Pygora Fleece

  • No – there are three different fleece types. No one type is “better” than the other is; they just have different characteristics. For details on the fleece types, please see our section on Pygora fiber

  • Yes and no – If the fleece on a Pygora goat is not harvested, it will mat on the goat. Type-B and -C goats will shed (blow) their fleeces in the spring if the fiber is not removed. The partially-shed fleece can make a goat more susceptible to external parasites. Also, once a fleece is blown, it is no longer usable.

  • Pygoras usually are sheared in the fall and spring, depending on the fleece and the weather. Check your Pygoras often, particularly the hindlegs and thighs, for signs that the fleece wants to mat. That is the time to shear if the weather allows.

    Supplying freshly-shorn goats with coats, adequate bedding and shelter is critical. Many breeders shear before their does kid in late winter/early spring.

  • The amount of fleece a Pygora can produce depends on fleece type (type-C produces the least amount and type- A the greatest amount). Type As may produce as much as 3 lb. of raw fleece per shearing while type Cs may produce only 8 oz. of raw fiber. Type Bs average 1 lb. per shearing.

    A raw fleece includes both desirable fiber and guard hairs. The guard hairs must be removed (this is called dehairing). The amount of guard hair removed from raw fiber by commercial dehairing can be as much as 40%. The better the ‘separation’ (or difference in fineness) between desirable fiber and guard hairs, the easier a fleece is to dehair and the better the final product. One thing to consider when buying a type-B or type-C Pygora is to select goats who have good separation based on a fiber test. 

  • There are several steps to preparing Pygora fleece for spinning: washing, dehairing and combing/carding. For details, please see Fiber Preparation page.

  • When spinning Pygora, you can spin it soft and fuzzy for a fluffy item such as a hat or mittens, or spin it more firmly for good stitch definition and a stronger wearing yarn. When spun worsted, type-A fleeces produce a wonderful smooth yarn with a silky luster. Type-B fleeces usually are finer than type-A fleeces and can be spun into a lustrous, soft, worsted yarn or spun woolen and fulled (slapped against a hard surface to bring out the fluff) for a soft, warm yarn with a halo. Type-C fiber, the finest of the three types, is perfect for spinning into a fine, delicate, soft lace yarn.

Find Pygora Breeders and Events

  • Member Directory

    The PBA hosts several sanctioned Pygora shows during the fall season. Learn about shows in your area.

  • Breeders Directory

    Find a registered Pygora breeder and get contact information, breeder websites and more.