Gray Pygora Doe standing in field with gorgeous fleece.

The Pygora Goat

The versatile goat with the luxurious coat.

The Pygora® goat was initially bred with the goal of creating an animal that would produce fine fiber for hand spinning. The foundation of the breed began by breeding a Pygmy (NPGA registry), a goat with short, soft cashmere-like down, to an Angora (AAGBA registry), a goat with long silky fleece. The Pygora goat produces a wonderful, lofty, soft, fiber that does not coarsen as the goat ages. Add in an affectionate, engaging personality, a manageable size, good health and fleece in a range of colors and you have the perfect fiber goat.

Getting to Know Pygoras

  • Two fluffy Pygora goats stand in a field near a barn looking inquisitive.

    Pygora FAQ

    New to the Pygora goat breed? Start with our PBA frequently asked questions.

  • A pile of soft Pygora fiber held in the hand of a Pygora shepherdess.

    Pygora Fiber

    Learn about fiber types, terms and tips on harvesting fiber from the goat.

  • Chocolate Brown Pygora Goat standing on cinderblocks.

    Pygora Colors

    White, caramel, gray, brown — the Pygora breed boasts beautiful color options.

Find Pygora Breeders and Events

  • Upcoming PBA Events

    The PBA hosts several sanctioned Pygora shows during the fall season. Learn about shows in your area.

  • Breeders Directory

    Find a registered Pygora breeder and get contact information, breeder websites and more.

PBA Member Resources

PBA Permanent Grand Champions

The Pygora Breeders Association herdbook and membership data is now hosted on Grassroots, which manages more than 150 breed society registries worldwide.